Sample Requests are accepted via regular Sample Request Form.
The requirer is expected to fill the necessary areas such as the application details, technical limits requested, alternate commercial equivalent if available.
Job and internship applications are open during the year. Please refer your previous employer / supervisor during the submission. Applications without references will be poorly considered.
Collaborations with national and international partners are encouraged. Please state the project code / details if applicable and ask for eligibility check in advance. Please mention the partners’ role explicitly.
Technical data sheets and analysis reports can be provided for any purchased product with a valid Lot. Nr. Please mention the necessary Lot. Nr. and your specific requests if exists.
Pavezyum already holds the right of PavTec products in several countries such as Japan, Germany, USA, etc. Please try to contact your local distributor first.
New contracted partnerships are always welcome especially in newer locations. Please state your company profile and expectations in advance. Hope to collaborate soon.
Pavezyum can provide you further support by means of application details if necessary information is shared. Please do not hesitate to contact about the product usages, concerns and related inquiries. Info like Purchase details and Lot. Nr. is appreciated.