
Pavezyum Elemental Boron Powders

Elemental boron is the chemically refined and purified form of borate minerals that is dominantly available in Turkey. It is classified as neither metal nor non-metals but metalloids meaning that it performs varying characteristics depending on the partner element.
By Size

Nano Size
PVT Nano Boron (99+% – 99,999%*)

Micron Size
PVT B86B90B95

By Purity

PVT Boron 86 (86 – 88%)
PVT Boron 90 (90 – 92%)
PVT Boron 95 (95 – 97%)
PVT Nano Boron (99+% – 99,999%*)

Modified Borons

PVT Modified Boron M86 (86 – 88%)
PVT Modified Boron M95 (95 – 97%)
Aluminium Coated Boron (20 – 40% Al content)
Magnesium Coated Boron (20 – 40% Mg content)
Custom coatings onto elemental Boron

All purities are given by mass as wt.%
* Metal basis purity

BoronPVT Boron 86

Amorphous Elemental Boron
Boron in Powder Form
86-88 % Boron Content by weight

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 86 – 88 %
Magnesium 12.00 % max.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.


Raw Material for further chemical production
Airbag gas generators
Solid fuels and igniters
Cupper refineries
Welding and brazing additives

Similar Products

PVT B86M, PVT B90, PVT B95, PVT B95M, PVT Nano Boron, PVT Coated Borons

PVT Boron 90

Amorphous Elemental Boron
Boron in Powder Form
90-92 % Boron Content by weight

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 90 – 92 %
Magnesium 6.00 % max.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.


Raw Material for further chemical production
Airbag gas generators
Solid fuels and igniters
Cupper refineries
Welding and brazing additives

Similar Products

PVT B86, PVT B86M, PVT B95, PVT B95M, PVT Nano Boron, PVT Coated Borons

PVT Boron 95

Amorphous Elemental Boron
Boron in Powder Form
95-97 % Boron content by weight

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 95 – 97 %
Magnesium 1.50 % max.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.


Superconductivity applications and materials
Raw Material for further chemical production
Airbag gas generators
Solid fuels and igniters
Cupper refineries
Welding and brazing additives

Similar Products

PVT B86, PVT B86M, PVT B90, PVT B95M, PVT Nano Boron, PVT Coated Borons

PVT Nano Boron

Nano size amorphous elemental boron
Elemental Amorphous Boron Powder
with >99 % Boron Content
Typical Chemical Analysis Content

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 99 % min. by weight
Boron 99.999% min. metal basis purity
Magnesium 0 % max.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.
Nano particles ( <400 nm, DLS  – d90)


MgB2 production for superconductivity applications and materials
Dopant Material for advanced chemical and physical improvements
Ultra pure reference material
Boriding and extreme surface hardening component
Welding and brazing additives

Similar Products

PVT B86, PVT B86M, PVT B90, PVT B95, PVT B95M, PVT Coated Borons


Nano size amorphous modified elemental boron
Metal coated Boron in powder form
Coated with Magnesium / Aluminum
20 and 40 w.t. % Coating metal composition
Custom modifications are available

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 86 – 88%  by weight
Magnesium 12% max.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.


Improved reactivity as raw material
Dopant Material for advanced chemical and physical improvements
Boriding and extreme surface hardening component
Welding and brazing additives

Similar Products

PVT B86, PVT B90, PVT B95, PVT B95M, PVT Nano Boron, PVT Coated Borons


Nano size amorphous modified elemental borons
Size modified elemental Boron in powder form
Morphology modification of B95
Standart purity as PVZ B95

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 95 – 97% by weight
Magnesium 1.50 % max.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.


Improved reactivity as raw material
Dopant Material for advanced chemical and physical improvements
Boriding and extreme surface hardening component
Welding and brazing additives

Similar Products

PVT B86, PVT 86M, PVT B90, PVT B95, PVT Nano Boron, PVT Coated Borons

PVT Al - Coated Boron

PVT B(Al) coated
Al Metal coated Boron in powder form
Coated with Aluminum
20 and 40 w.t. % Coating aluminium composition
Custom modifications are available

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 95 – 55 %
Aluminum 0-40 %.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.


Raw material for custom production methods
Dopant Material for advanced chemical and physical improvements
Altered reactivity in different reduction processes
Custom applications

Similar Products

PVT B86, PVT B86M, PVT B90, PVT B95, PVT B95M, PVT Nano Boron

PVT Mg - Coated Boron

PVT B(Mg) coated
Mg Metal coated Boron in powder form
Coated with Magnesium
20 and 40 w.t. % Coating Magnesium composition
Custom modifications are available

Chemical Analysis and Properties

Boron 95 – 55 %
Magnesium 1.5 – 40 %.
Moisture 0.50 % max.
Water Soluble Boron 0.50 % max.


Raw material for custom production methods
Dopant Material for advanced chemical and physical improvements
Altered reactivity in different reduction processes
Custom applications

Similar Products

PVT B86, PVT B86M, PVT B90, PVT B95, PVT B95M, PVT Nano Boron

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Pure PowderElemental

Advanced CompoundsTechnical

Industrial SolutionsMetallurgical